Tag Archives: deep thoughts

Democratization of Publication, Dilution of Significance

When I was a young boy it seemed only published items were typed. Intentional, edited, and reviewed; the published word was rarely offhand and almost always considered the reader.

Today it seems there is barely a communication that isn’t typed. Wandering, sloppy, and uninspected; today’s typed word is almost always offhand and rarely considers the reader.

This is not being said to point a mean finger at the changing time, but it’s a remark on the situation that we are all in. There is a part of me that sees the typed word and subconsciously feels it must be important or true simply because it is typed. But over the decades with every wandering complaint, the not-so-subtle sea of the sales pitch, and passing thoughts being passed off as The Word; I’ve been battered into a dull haze on text.

I like thoughts. I like people. Sweet sensation to stir the soul, feeling my heart flutter; life has A LOT to offer. However: pain, prejudice and poor conditions seem to always pop up somehow, and I know you don’t like them either.

Here’s the thing. Do we really need to spell out the negative so much? Eww! Yuck! Hey! Ergh, so bad! I mean really; so bad. BAD BAD BAD.

I benefit more from finding out where IS the good stuff. What is something new I might like? Is there something that might help me, help my family?

I don’t feel like I benefit much from “that is bad.” “Those are bad too.” “Those people are mean.” And what seems to be very important: “those folks did really bad stuff in the past.”

“Don’t hold your hand in fire.” Got it.

“Don’t punch people in the face.” Good to know!

“Keep off the grass.” Really?

Everyone has a voice, and basically everyone can publish it. This is a MAJOR accomplishment. GO SOCIETY! Seriously, GOOD JOB!

Now, I say: let’s all see if we can push the good stuff up above the bad. Yeah, obviously knock off the bad stuff. But also, let’s do the good!

We all type, we hit send: we publish. The flow of words and ideas will not stop, nor should it ever. However, we can improve what we put out. It will take some intention, some editing, and we’ll need to think of who we are writing for.

But seriously- with just a bit of focus we can make some things happen that we want.

Are you with me?